Human Trafficking Prevention & Rescue.
Thailand is amongst the top 10 countries in the world with the largest number of trafficking victims. Traffickers use force, fraud, or coercion to lure their victims and force them into labor or commercial sexual exploitation. According to the Global Slavery Index, Thailand is home to about 610,000 human trafficking victims; many of them are migrant children trafficked especially for sexual exploitation. For the protection of human trafficking victims and the workers that serve them, we do not provide any public detail of our efforts in this ministry. For inquiries on how you may help or to submit a request for help, please email info@aim1040.com.

Refugee Ministry.
A refugee is an individual who is outside his or her country of origin due to a well-founded fear of persecution based on race, religion, nationality, social group or political opinion who is unable to, or owing to such a fear, unwilling to avail him/herself of the protection of that country. The definition is sometimes expanded to include people fleeing war or other armed conflict. For the protection of refugees, we do not provide any public detail of our efforts in this ministry. For inquiries on how you may help or to submit a request for help, please email info@aim1040.com.

Disciple-Making Movement.
Put into an easy to follow seven week discipleship program, the new members of our church plants are blossoming into leaders that raise up other leaders. We are watching as small home groups are taking the Word to their world, honoring Christ’s mandate to make disciples of all nations.

Synergy Bible College.
Is God calling you to the next level of biblical knowledge? In the days ahead, both God and the Synergy family will stand beside you and encourage you to expand your skills and knowledge of the ministry God has placed in your heart. Synergy offers affordable online and in-person classes in theology and ministry leading to an Associate’s degree.

Living the Word YouTube.
Each week, Chris and John connect with audiences across the world in their YouTube channel AIM1040. Discussions center around biblical topics like healing, the sovereignty of God, prayer, and much much more. Please check out their videos and subscribe today.

Mission Training Center.
Mission Training Center (MTC) is a two month intensive training program designed for students specifically called to serve the Lord in a cross-cultural context. Students will learn from teachers with years of experience in planting missional churches, discipleship, and evangelism with the intention of empowering every believer to fulfill their responsibility to the Great Commission.

Seven-Fold Harvest Plan.
We shouldn’t have to call a church a “world missions church.” The definition of the word church should imply that they are reaching their local communities, their extended communities and the remotest parts of the earth. However, many churches haven’t caught the heartbeat of God concerning world missions.

Universal Prayer Movement.
Hosted by Pastor John Monger and the International Restoration Church family of Austin, Texas, the universal prayer service is conducted for five daily to cover prayer for individuals, pastors, the sick, urgent needs and nations, exhortation and Proverbs, praise and worship songs, Word of God, confession, testimonies, deliverance, and benediction.

Grace International School Partnership.
AIM1040 is proud to partner with Grace International School in Chiang Mai, Thailand. GIS offers a Christian-centered approach to K-12 education for missionary families and the community at large.