
Why Am I Here?

Jesus said, “I must go preach the kingdom of God to the next town because it is for this reason I am sent” (Luke 4:43). We may not have His wisdom yet, but I assure you, He has a way for you to know your purpose as well....

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The Escape Plan

Do you picture God as an angry tyrant on His throne judging a corrupt and sinful world? Ever imagine He makes up rules because He enjoys taking away your fun? Some see Him this way because they believe He is angry with them for the mistakes they made, or because...

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According to the recent article, “Losing our Religion,” in the Washington Times, more than one out of every four Americans consider their religious affiliation to be “none.” 40% of these “nones” are in Generation Z (today’s teens and below). The good news is, most of these “nones” are not strictly...

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