The Cringeworthy Missions Effort of the Church
Paul said, "How can they be saved unless they hear?"...
Paul said, "How can they be saved unless they hear?"...
World-wide, churches that do not believe in the modern-day Gifts of the Spirit and who do not practice expressive worship, praying for the sick, speaking in tongues, prophecy and other marks of a Spirit-filled church that is charismatic in nature are shrinking in record numbers, while charismatic churches that accept...
Secret Apps, Sexual Confusion, and the illusion that your teenager is doing right when most are involved in a very dark web. You will be quite broken the first time you realize that your child’s innocence has been stolen. Most people will never know until the damage has already been...
Cry Out to Jesus Life is hard. It can leave you feeling lost and alone as though drowning in a dark abyss. Your emotions, burdens, or physical pain often weigh you down like an anchor. No matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to stay afloat. I know, I’ve...
“Is divine healing provided in the atonement for every believer?” This is such a tough question on so many levels. My friend and famous author Andrew Farley doesn’t come from a charismatic background and, therefore, has a different take than I do. I can appreciate where he is coming from,...
Is it possible to have plenty of faith to be healed and yet fail to receive from God? This question is similar to Question 3 that can be found in Part 4 of this series; however, I felt it was a different question. The first question with a similar outlook...
How Does One Get Faith To Be Healed? “And listening as Paul preached. Looking straight at him, Paul realized he had faith to be healed. So Paul called to him in a loud voice, “Stand up!” And the man jumped to his feet and started walking.” Acts 10:9-10 Here is...
Can sin keep a person from being healed? I think in order to answer this question, you have to walk a very clear line between grace and truth. The Bible teaches that the law came through Moses but grace and truth came through Jesus. Jesus was full of grace and...
Question 3: Does God heal some by taking them to Heaven? This sounds great at the outset. When you first hear someone ask the question, it certainly sounds nice. Everyone wins. God wins because He is still a healer. The person wins because he or she isn’t in pain anymore....
Question Two: Why are some people who are full of faith not healed? This is a tough one, but as always, we look to the Bible as our answer. How many times have you heard a person say, “I know this person believed. You can’t tell me they didn’t have...