We should not have to call a church a “world missions church.” The definition of the word church should imply that they are reaching their local communities, extended communities and the remotest parts of the earth. However, many churches haven’t caught the heartbeat of God concerning world missions.
What is a world missions church?
The term “world missions church” will be used to describe a church that is actively and effectively following Christ’s commands to reap a global harvest. The following is our blue print for success based on the Bible and upon personal experience with apostolic work. This is our strategy for fulfilling The Great Commission.
Our Biblical Foundation
Acts 13:1-14 and Acts 16:4-10 show great examples of a church that was totally consumed with fire for the nations. The church fasted and prayed. They chose leaders who had an apostolic calling and released them to go and reach the world for Christ. In Acts 16, notice something spectacular. They did not ask God where they should go to do His work. They simply obeyed His command to go into the entire world and preach the gospel to every person. Jesus already told us what to do and so we do not need to pray about it.
The Bible says that the apostles decided to go to one place, but the spirit said no. Then they decided to go somewhere else and the spirit told them no again. Finally, Paul had a vision of the man from Macedonia and they went to preach the gospel. The point is that God spoke to Paul about his calling as he was going. It is better to be going for God and have Him tell you to stop than it is to do nothing while hoping for a word from God.
Many of the great stories of miracles happened as they were going. We believe that if we can get moving, God will make our path clear. We made a decision to get moving. We don’t have to hear a specific word on where to preach the gospel. We just make plans to go. As we are going, God makes our paths straight.
Below is the harvest plan that we are following. We see a similar pattern in the book of Acts, from Chapter 16 through 19; but we are going to make it very specific as to what we have seen that works.
Seven-fold process
- We use strategic partnerships with global ministries who have local connections close to where we want to do apostolic ministry.
- We find key people out of the nationals in the area where we are going who we have recognized as having the call of God and empower them to recruit people to come to a pastor’s and leaders conference. It’s called Nation Shakers Summit.
- We plant Bible Schools or leadership training centers, which are imperative to reproducing ministry in an unreached people group.
- We send out the graduates of the bible school into unreached areas to preach the gospel and plant churches. A national who understands the customs will be much more effective in reaching the unreached than we will.
- We connect these church plants in apostolic fellowships so that they can encourage one another and sharpen one another in God’s work. Also, this will help with the sixth step.
- We help to organize them towards city impact events and campaigns to reach large numbers of people.
- We release them as independent international missionaries to reach the world from where they are.
For information about how to become an affiliate church or to obtain ministry credentials with Agape International, simply click the link below and fill out the form. One of our staff members will contact you to get you on the right track to a global impact.